A New Perspective

Originally posted June 27, 2020. Lara J. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo High School chapter recounts an interaction with a senior during her GlamourGals visit that changed her perspective on immigrants in the workforce.

GlamourGals is a club in my school, where we visit senior homes, paint their nails, and bring fun crafts to do with the residents. While each visit with GlamourGals taught me something new, one moment in particular sticks out to me. Through an encounter with a woman named Sylvia who immigrated to America, my perspective on immigrants in the workforce has changed greatly. Seeking success, an easier lifestyle, and freedom from political issues, Sylvia brought her children and husband with her to the United States. Although she did not go to college, Sylvia worked tirelessly until she retired, and still lives by the mantra of living her life to the fullest. 

My encounter with Sylvia has forever changed my perspective on immigrants. Though my parents are immigrants, I had this preconceived notion that immigrants came to America and took away opportunities from citizens who were struggling to find employment. However, this interaction tore down any preconceived notions I had, and showed me that immigrants who come to America not only work extremely hard for any opportunity they can get, but are also entitled to the same opportunities as American citizens.


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A New World Perspective