The Impact of a Simple Conversation

Deniz G, a Vanderbilt University Volunteer, explores how effective a simple conversation could be for seniors.


We made great use of our day off of classes last week during MLK day by going to Windlands for a makeover! Good thing we had a large group of volunteers because, in addition to our regulars, we had even more residents to hang out with. In the beginning, I was in a small group with 2 volunteers and a resident who was so happy that we were there to talk with her. She told us how much she appreciated us being there, especially since she was missing her husband of 56 years, and said we were like her personal angels! It was so sweet of her to say.

Next, I met with Sue, who originally came into the room because she was planning on playing bingo which was scheduled after our makeover. Initially, she expressed that she did NOT want any nail painting, but as I kept conversing with her to learn more about her life and story, she slowly opened up and asked me to shape her nails and use clear polish. At one point she told me that I was very personable, which was a very nice compliment! I then told her how beautiful her blue eyes were. And before I knew it, the hour just went by.

This makeover was one of my favorites because of how sweet the residents were, but also the power of simple conversation on changing how someone's day is going. Learning about Sue's life - such as how she worked as a telephone operator for the military during the Vietnam War and how she married an English man - reminded me once again that everyone has such cool stories if you just ask them!


GlamourGals Featured by USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology


GlamourGals Featured in The Villanovan