Into the Unknown

Caroline V. of the Bloomfield High School Chapter reflects on her first GlamourGals visit.

Caroline V Bloomfield 2020.jpg

My first visit to Job Haines home will always spark fond memories and bring a smile to my face when I think about my GlamourGals journey. Initially, I remember feeling extremely nervous as one of the staff members guided me to a group of seniors. Since this was my first time at an elderly home, I was taking in all of my surroundings. Upon finally joining the seniors, I noticed that John, an elderly man not interested in manicures and makeovers, seemed hesitant to converse with us. However, with some convincing, we encouraged John to keep us company.

I ended up spending two hours with John playing card games, snacking on cookies, and sharing stories. Reminiscing on his experiences, John talked about his career as a pilot and how he met his wife. Together, we later discovered that John was an excellent competitor in the “finish that phrase” game. He won every single time! After spending more time with John, he began to open up and reveal details of his life, contrasting the tone of our earlier interaction. Towards the end of our meeting, John even told me that he could not wait to see all of us again. 

In this moment, I realized the importance of the mission and impact of GlamourGals. While I bonded with John, I noticed a huge shift in his demeanor. With the help of GlamourGals, John went from a man that did not want to be bothered to a man who embraced our companionship. By the end of our first meeting, he was glowing with happiness, and there was an abundance of love within the room. It was so special to see how one person's efforts have the potential to make someone's day.

At the same time, I finally grasped how neglected the senior community must feel as they typically do not have a lot of visitors on a daily basis. After my first visit to the Job Haines Home, I was so excited to go back and see John and the rest of the seniors. I have tried to make it a habit to go visit them as much as possible. From my GlamourGals experience, I learned to make an extra effort to reach out to those in need of a friend, whether that is a senior at a nursing home or a classmate from school. I am so thankful to have been a part of GlamourGals throughout high school, as it has given me a platform to make a difference and support the seniors in my community. 


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