Growth: From a Hesitant Volunteer to a Leader

Reshma, the Thomas E. Edison High School Chapter Vice President, speaks about her growth as a GlamourGals leader.

At the beginning, I was hesitant to join GlamourGals. It was not until a friend told me how much GlamourGals changed her perspective that I was convinced to join. GlamourGals is important to our community because we are able to offer companionship to seniors they are not able to get otherwise. I have noticed that the elderly are often forgotten and most of the seniors in our local nursing home rarely get any visitors. 

Our chapter, with the leadership of our President and I, have devised various special and seasonal activities to ensure that the seniors are at their happiest. When the spring season started, we made tissue paper flowers and put them in vases. For Christmas, we made cute, glittery cards. For Valentine's Day, we played bingo. We try our best to go above and beyond when it comes to our seniors. It is always so rewarding to see the smiles on their faces every visit. 

Being part of GlamourGals as a volunteer and a leader has allowed me to learn and grow. My experience has been a great one as a future healthcare worker because I learned a lot about myself and others. With all the nursing home visits, workshops, and chapter meetings, I’ve learned how to be responsible, compassionate, and an overall team player. Due to my GlamourGals experience, I had the opportunity to learn more about myself and  for that, I will be forever grateful.


Sharon Cheung, Former Chapter President, Flushing High School


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