Ask Sam: Club Fair help is here!

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Hey GlamourGals, I'm Sam and I'm here to help with all things GG! I’ll be answering questions from you, our volunteers. Our first question is from Jennifer from New York:

“Hey Sam! Our club fair is coming up in a few weeks and this is my first time running the GlamourGals booth. What can I do to make sure our booth stands out?”

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A club fair is a great time for recruitment since you can show off what your club is all about. It's one of the best times to interest potential recruits, but with a club fair comes club competition. It might seem like your booth won't attract any attention, but there's no need to worry: There are plenty of ways to ensure your booth's success.

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Here are my tips that we'll call PDTG.

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First on our list: Preparation. I suggest making a checklist of all the things you’ll need:

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Always be prepared. It's important to know what you'll be working with: Where is your booth going to be placed? Is your booth only a table? Can you hang banners somewhere? How many people can help out at the booth? What do you and your team need to bring? Can you wear your GG shirts?

Once you know what you’ll need to do, here comes the fun part: Decoration.

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Be creative with your decorations: You can make tissue paper flowers to decorate the booth and to hand out! Here's a handy video tutorial on how to make some. We at GG National can even send the tissue paper. Speaking of which…

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(Disclaimer: Please do not scream at your club fair without permission, GG National cannot protect you from detention.)

Did you know when a chapter leader submits a supplies request and in the comments section writes “Club Fair Care Package”, GG National will send some cool stuff for your chapter to hand out at your club fair?

You can also have treats like cookies and candies at your booth. Having treats is a great way to gain interest and have students stay around your booth longer so they can listen to why they should join your chapter.

And of course, we can’t forget the importance of teamwork.

We're all in this together! No one person should be doing all the work by themselves and that's why teamwork is vital to ensuring your success—at the club fair and as a chapter.

Split up your duties: Who is going to bring the decorations? Who is bringing the snacks? Is someone handling the social media posts? Is someone recording all the names of potential recruits?

There's no need to feel overwhelmed when you have your GlamourGals team in your corner.

And that’s why we have GG Pride!

So most importantly, just be yourself and your love of your GlamourGals chapter will shine through!

You should also be prepared to answer any questions you may be asked. Questions such as:

How long is a typical makeover?

Where is the senior home you all visit? How do you get there?

When does your chapter usually meet?

You and your team should brainstorm any other questions a potential recruit may have to make sure everyone is able to answer any questions that may come your way. If there’s a question you can’t answer or need help with anything, you can always call or text GG National at 631-525-3339.

It's also good to mention the benefits GG can offer volunteers, like events, scholarships, and awards for active participation. You and your GG team can even log in your club fair as an event to earn service credit for your hours.

And that's all the tips I have. Good luck to all my GlamourGals out there!

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All GlamourGals can get a service hour by writing a journal answering this question:

What made you want to join your chapter?

GG National looks forward to your answers!

So email if you have any questions you would like GG National to answer. We’re here to help.

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