What I learned at the GLTI Conference

Michelle B. A., a volunteer from our Saint John Baptiste High School chapter, attended our GLTI Conference in November. Read about her experience at our first virtual GLTI event!


During the GLTI Conference, I met so many inspirational people. I was really nervous, yet ready for the conference. I get anxiety when I first meet people, but if I don’t think about it then I begin to feel fine. Throughout the conference, the vibes that the speakers gave, made me feel like a whole new person. I learned some key things that can motivate me and make me feel like I am and can be a special person. They gave me reasons to live happily. During this tremendously hard time that we are all going through, it is hard to stay positive and at the conference, they said it is okay to feel a bit depressed, but all we have to do is stay with the people that we love and take care of ourselves. After the conference, I seemed to have a boost of confidence with myself and I thank the GlamourGals meeting for that. I think GlamourGals will be the greatest thing that happened to me in 2020 and I can’t wait to meet the elders to make them happy.


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