
Hannah K., a Livingston High School volunteer, went caroling with her chapter in December, read more about her experience!

I remember when we first arrived at Care One, I had an inkling that something would go wrong especially because the lady who was scheduled to lead us around the building was late. However, those worries subsided as we caroled around the outside of the building. We couldn't really see the senior citizens well--usually, we could make out a small silhouette behind the windows. Other times, we even sang to workers and they danced right along. I was photographing and taking videos during the event, so I wasn't able to sing as much as the others. However, that helped me really understand how caroling lifted everyone's spirits. Seeing members huddled near each other and using their voices to even provide just a bit of hope in the holidays truly warmed my heart. Even if it wasn't much, I'm confident that we made a difference in the lives of those senior residents and workers.


Valetine’s Cards


Valentine's Day Meeting 1/9/21