Holiday Notes


Grace C., a Cinnaminson High School volunteer, allows GG National to shares how her perspective on senior homes changed since she joined GlamourGals.

With the holidays approaching, I realized just how much I missed going to Riverview. When I was younger, I was almost afraid to go into nursing homes; whenever I went to visit my great-grandmother, going into the nursing home made me feel uncomfortable. However, after becoming a part of the GlamourGals club, and getting to spend time with the residents of Riverview, I realized just how silly that was. Visiting the seniors, I loved getting to listen to their stories, and talk to them about anything from family to school, to sports. When we would go for our nighttime visits, nursing homes no longer seemed uncomfortable and quiet, but rather a place that was inviting; I looked forward to the visits which were easily becoming one of the highlights of my month. Despite not being able to actually go into the nursing home, making these cards still allows us to have a connection with the residents. I hope these winter cards were able to brighten the recipients' holiday seasons.”


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