My Experience as an Intern with GlamourGals

Imela, a rising junior at Adelphi University, shares her inspiration for becoming a GlamourGals Intern, and what she learned along the way.

I became familiar with GlamourGals through the Jaggar Community Fellows Program  at Adelphi University. I decided to intern with GG after learning about its mission to help end senior loneliness. 

I had previously volunteered for the Albanian Red Cross, where we were committed to serving the seniors in our community.  The seniors frequented the center to have coffee and spend time with each other as well as the volunteers. There, I realized how common it is for seniors to feel lonely on a daily basis and how much it helps to spend time with and be there for them. GG does just that! GlamourGals builds connections between seniors and the teen volunteers, making seniors feel more loved and helping them create great new memories.

It has been so fun and motivating to work with such amazing people in the GG National office. As interns, we have mentor meetings every week with the GG Advisory Council members. The mentors’ career advice and experience has been extremely insightful. From them, we have learned the importance of building connections, developing leadership skills, and writing a good cover letter and resume. 

Additionally, working with GG involves a lot of group work and creative thinking. There is always space to share new ideas. Daily meetings are always a place to plan, brainstorm and express our thoughts. 

As an intern, having my voice heard has helped me find my strengths and build confidence in my skills. I will always be grateful to GlamourGals for providing me with the opportunity to be innovative and learn every step of the way. My first internship with GG will always be a memorable one.


Learning Communication, Leadership, and Perseverance (Needs Photo)


Setting a New Precedent