How GG Gave Me Confidence For My Next Life Chapter

Priscilla L., Townsend Harris High School volunteer, describes her virtual volunteering experience and explains how GlamourGals helped her navigate her career goals.

Being a volunteer for the past 2 years has been an impactful experience for me. Although my first year joining this club at Townsend Harris was virtual and we weren’t able to visit the seniors in-person, we were able to talk to them as a group over Zoom. It was wonderful being able to ask them questions about their childhood and what has been rough for them in dealing with the pandemic. They also had some great questions for us, as they were curious about how education has changed and even asked when we would be able to visit them in person again. I also had an incredible time spending time with my peers writing letters for seniors at our local senior center. Knowing that the seniors weren’t able to meet with us, but are still getting our handmade letters truly made me happy and made me want to work hard as if I had a pen pal. This club has also been a place where I have met some of my closest friends.

Going to college I was contemplating if I wanted to be hands-on in the medical field and work with patients, or work in the background. Being a part of this club and being able to visit the senior homes this year has helped me decide that I do want to work with patients and form a connection to help them out. In addition, going to the GG Power Brunch and meeting with everyone nationwide was so uplifting and empowering. I was fortunate to be able to attend this event and to hear so many wonderful people discuss their life experiences has helped me become more confident in going to the next chapter of my life.


The Journey of GG


Engineering with a Dash of Service