Halloween Celebrations and Creativity

Madison Z., President of the Stuyvesant Chapter, reflects on a memorable Halloween event at Brookdale Senior Home.

“Today marked a memorable milestone in my journey with GlamourGals, as we embarked on a fun pumpkin carving event at Brookdale Senior Home. This was my first time participating in such an activity, and I couldn't have asked for a more heartwarming experience. Ten dedicated volunteers, all adorned with contagious smiles, gathered around a long table with several large pumpkins waiting for their transformation. Two of these pumpkins were destined to proudly bear the emblem of the GlamourGals logo. Leading the event was both an honor and a privilege. I took a moment to address the volunteers, emphasizing the importance of this day, not only as an opportunity for creative expression but as a chance to foster meaningful connections with the seniors. Their eyes sparkled with a shared sense of purpose! The room filled with laughter, nostalgic music, and the sound of scraping pumpkin guts. It was an absolute joy to witness the diverse range of designs and techniques employed by the volunteers. Some opted for intricate patterns, while others leaned toward more abstract, expressive forms. Each pumpkin took on a unique personality, reflecting the individuality of its creator. While most of the elderly were happy to just observe our carving techniques with keen interest, several partook in the carving exercise themselves! Pumpkin carving is a form of art therapy, a medium through which everyone, regardless of age, can express themselves. It was a reminder that creativity knows no bounds and that it has the power to bridge generational gaps.”


GlamourGals on The Kelly Clarkson Show


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