Sharing Beauty Advice and Wisdom

Natalia P., McMaster University chapter volunteer, shares the heartwarming wisdom on beauty that she received from a senior, Angelica, during a GlamourGals makeover event.

I was so excited to attend another GG's meet at Caroline's Place today, and it was a special meet indeed. Today, we were asked to share questions with our partners regarding beauty.

I had the privilege of seeing my good friend Angelica. I had previously met Angelica from other GG meetings, and she remembered me! During our nail painting session, I asked Angelica some questions:

1. How do you define beauty? Has it changed throughout the years?

She replied, "Everyone is beautiful in their own way...there is no standard. One's physical features or ethnicity do not change one's beauty". Angelica goes on to share that beauty is not solely just related to a woman, but a man's beauty too.

2. Could you share a memory of when you felt the most beautiful?

"I feel beautiful when I get my nails and feet polished. I also feel beautiful when I get my hair done at the beauty parlor and I feel like a new woman when I get my eyebrows done. It almost feels like someone rolled out the red carpet for an event".

3. Do you have any advice for the younger generation related to wellness and self-care?

Angelica shared her response by saying that we "should take control of our beauty and to do what makes you happy". She shared that you should ALWAYS be yourself, and never hesitate to tell the truth.

As part of her response, she gave a few of her beauty tips and tricks that she was willing to share. She says to keep her hair at its best, Angelica uses baby shampoo and washes it as often as she needs to. She also shares the importance of using moisturizer, specifically Aveeno when one is young.

Aside from beauty tips, Angelica shares the importance of always telling the truth, and to always leave red smarties to eat at the end.

I smiled as we concluded our session. I am very grateful to have completed these sessions with Angelica, and I look forward to meeting her again.


Making an Impact and Building Connections


Spreading Joy with GG Makeovers