Going Above and Beyond in Serving Seniors

Alaina T, President of the St. Clairsville High School chapter shares her chapter’s dedication to the residents of Forest Hills Care Center.

My experience with GlamourGals has been a profound journey of serving the seniors in my community. Our sessions go beyond routine care, enriching both the physical and mental well-being of the residents. Each manicure and facial I provide is personalized to reflect the residents’ moods, upcoming holiday celebrations, and specific physical limitations. I have taken the time to learn about their unique health conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, to tailor our sessions more attentively to their specific needs. The nursing home my chapter attends added our sessions to their monthly social calendar, after the first month, and for many residents, our visits have become a much anticipated event. The ladies eagerly await updates about my homecoming, prom dance, or track meets. 

The GlamourGals programming has profoundly influenced me as an individual and leader. Patience and better communication skills have been crucial in interacting with seniors who have speech, cognitive, or hearing impairments. Empathy has also been a huge lesson, as I realized that self-care and pampering are important to seniors, just as they are to teenagers. One of the residents we encountered suffered from trembling hands due to Parkinson's Disease. She was worried about getting her nails done, but once we understood her concerns, we found a way to involve her. For example, one volunteer held her hands steady, while I painted her nails. Those types of moments and experiences have initially inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field by earning a Biochemistry degree and attending dental school. The Activities Director from the nursing home we attend contacted their corporate office to post pictures of our time there on their Facebook page due to the positive impact we had.


Why Going Above and Beyond Matters


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