GlamourGals Helps Me Stay Connected With My Grandma

Mia H., Co-President of the Mahopac High School Chapter, shares how being an active GlamourGals volunteer has allowed her to connect more with her grandma.

Being able to be a part of GlamourGals is something that I hold close to my heart. My grammy was diagnosed with dementia and stage four cancer; this took a big toll on me along with my family. Soon, there was a point where we were not able to give her the best care at home, and we decided it was best for her to live in a nursing home. The mission of GlamourGals really means a lot to me. As I became more involved, I was able to see the difference that we were making, and I was able to visit and see my Grammy. It also helped me grow as a leader and realize what my Grammy was going through. 

Taking on the role of President for my chapter meant a lot to me and was an honor. I felt connected to the club and to my Grammy, who I felt guided me along the way. Being able to witness how passionate my chapter is about getting involved and giving back to the seniors. GlamourGals helped me grow into the person I am today. I am a better leader, passionate about the cause, and most importantly it allows me to stay connected with my Grammy.


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