GG Summer Makeover Reflection

Benjamin N. Cardozo High School President, Aqilah R., shares about her experience attending GlamourGals’ Summer Makeover Series.

I went to a GG Summer Makeover in the city! I started the day by joining my fellow volunteers and we took the subway all the way to Manhattan. We were all so excited since Cardozo would be co-hosting the event! After arriving at Stromboli Pizza, we met some members of GG National and introduced ourselves to the other volunteers. It was amazing to see other chapter volunteers and understand how they heard about GG and their aspirations for the future! 

Our mentor for the day was Rachel Doyle, and hearing from her was unlike anything I’ve experienced before. I would normally see Rachel at GG National events, but to be able to sit and chat with her was truly something I will never forget. It was amazing to hear about her experience and learn that even if things don't go the way we want it to, we can turn it into what we need it to be.

After wrapping up our lunch, we made our way over to Sirovich, and began interacting with the seniors. It was amazing to be able to do their nails and connect with them. I haven't been attending senior home visits since the school year ended, so it was really nice to fall back into the routine of simply introducing myself and making it my goal to make that other person smile. I had so much fun.


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