We All Have Something to Share

Kristina, the President of the University of California San Diego chapter, shares how she connected with a senior over both of their desires to help people in their communities. Originally posted January 30, 2019.

At our November 10, 2018 makeover, a woman named Carolyn remembered me from our last visit. At our last visit, she came to me with unpainted and chipped nails with a few white spots on them and told me that she hasn’t had her nails done in a long time. She was hoping I could make them look even a little better. I sat down with her and brought her the full treatment: hand lotion, file, base coat, top coat and a nice nude pink color that was opaque enough to hide the white spots. We had a great time talking and I told her when our next makeover would be. 

When I came back in November, she was beyond thrilled that her nails were growing and looked beautiful again! She told me that she showed all of her friends her nails and that she loves having beautiful hands. She even remembered my name! This time when I painted Carolyn’s nails, I felt like we had a real connection. We realized that we were both from Van Nuys and that her daughter went to UC San Diego, where I go to school! Carolyn told me about how her daughter is in a Community Service group where they make baskets for new moms. The baskets are completely made of donated items, hand-made, etc. Carolyn said that some of these moms can’t afford to have more than two outfits for their babies. 

After telling me about this community service organization, Carolyn told me something that will resonate with me forever. She told me that her favorite thing to do is sew, but her arthritis stopped her from sewing. When her daughter joined the organization, Carolyn said she started to sew again. She told me that no matter who you are, how old you are, or what situation you are in, there is always someone that can use your help. This really got me thinking. I realized that community service is not a one-way street, where people give to “the needy,” it’s about giving to each other. We all have something beautiful we can share with the world, no matter who we are or what our situation might be; we can all help each other in some way. 

After our amazing hour-long conversation, Carolyn turned to me and said, “I am so glad that I met you, it’s so nice to talk to you. I love my nails and I love you!”

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2018 Glammy Finalist Blog Series: Gisell Munoz, President


Sharon Cheung, Former Chapter President, Flushing High School