Jennifer Leidel, Co-Membership and Engagement Deputy Chair
Jennifer Leidel (she/her) serves on the GlamourGals Advisory Council as Deputy Chair of Engagement and Events. For the past 9 years, she has served in various roles including Co-Chair and Host for Illuminate and Glamour in the City, GlamourGals’ annual philanthropic galas.
She became involved with GlamourGals after attending Glamour in the City in 2011. She was touched by the mission of the organization as her own late maternal Grandmother was afflicted with Alzheimer's. GlamourGals improves the lives of two vulnerable populations; teenagers are inspired to become compassionate leaders in their communities, and seniors feel respected and dignified through their interactions with teenage volunteers.
Jennifer Leidel at the annual GlamourGals Illuminate Celebration.
Jennifer is a people-centric leader with interests in employee engagement and creating innovative programs that positively shape organizations, improve employee experiences, and impact bottom line. She is a big-picture thinker who loves to connect the dots, and inspire, motivate, and make a difference in the lives of others. She has experience in digital consumer marketing, employee engagement, and transforming organizational culture at American Express. Prior to that, she has worked in integrated client marketing, strategic partnerships, and large-scale events at Sports Illustrated, Sports Illustrated Kids, Time For Kids, and Allure.
Jennifer received her B.S. in Human Development from Cornell University. She earned her certificate in General Management and is the recipient of an award from Stanford Graduate School of Business. She serves as an alumni ambassador for Cornell University and a mentor for iMentor. Jennifer has been featured on The New York Times Metro section cover for volunteer work and in The New York Times technology section for work at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Her personal interests include traveling the world (she has traveled to all 7 continents!), pilates, skiing, photography, and spending time with friends and family.
“It’s been a wonderful experience to serve on the GlamourGals advisory council for 12 years. Seeing the way that the teenage volunteers connect with and serve seniors living in nursing homes has been inspiring. As the two generations interact, it is mutually beneficial and rewarding. The teens build leadership and compassion skills as they serve their community, and the seniors feel cared for and respected. I’ve enjoyed friendships with other dedicated advisory council members, supporters, and volunteers as we work together on this mission.”