Michele Jacobson
Michele Jacobson with GlamourGals founder, Rachel Doyle, at the Illuminate Celebration 2019.
Michele Jacobson, Partner at Steptoe & Johnson, head of the New York General Litigation Group, co-chair of the Firm’s National Litigation Group, co-chair of the Firm's Insurance and Reinsurance practice and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. She concentrates on complex insurance and reinsurance matters. She has represented ceding companies, reinsurers, retrocessionaires, liquidators, intermediaries, and program managers in a wide range of matters in federal and state courts and before arbitration panels throughout the country. Michele also represents clients in insurance regulatory matters. Michele is a founder and co-chair of the Firm’s Stroock Women’s Affinity Group, which acts as a support and mentoring network for female lawyers by helping them to overcome obstacles commonly faced by women in the legal profession.