Power Brunch 2023
Volunteers learning from alumni and professionals.
Volunteers gathered at Cadwalader in New York City for our annual Power Brunch.
It was an empowering morning filled with networking opportunities, interactive sessions with GG alumni, a keynote speech from GG alumna Stephanie Azzopardi, goodies from our sponsors, and an array of brunch food.
This event allows volunteers to realize how their GlamourGals experiences can benefit them in their future education or career endeavors.
Alumni inspires GG teen volunteers.
“GlamourGals is a community building and leadership experience. You already have a leg up for any interview or opportunity just by being a GlamourGals volunteer.”
- Stephanie Azzopardi, GlamourGals Alumna & Keynote
Pitching yourself & goal setting.
GG Alumni Lynese discussed the importance of being able to pitch yourself and highlight skills earned from being a GG volunteer. Each volunteer had the opportunity to write their own elevator pitch.
Our Program Manager Amanda shared tips and tricks for setting goals for personal development, as well as goals as a GG volunteer. Volunteers shared their goals for their chapter with the group and how they plan to bring them into fruition.
“I learned that GG has helped to open many doors for volunteers and that everyone involved in GG has come out so much more confident than when they started.”
- Nusrat, GG Volunteer
Connecting with the GG community.
Each volunteer was matched with a mentor based on their career interests, so that they could receive personal advice and have the opportunity to ask questions.
View all event photos here.
100% of attendees
felt empowered to achieve their academic and/or professional goals
gained more confidence in themselves
enhanced their communication skills
Explore our past events.
Watch GG alumni share advice with our volunteers from our 2022 Power Brunch.
Check out more Power Brunch content on our YouTube channel!