Finding the Glamour In Me

Fatimah A., Thomas A. Edison High School PR Officer, describes how her time with GlamourGals helped discover her identity and appreciate her upbringing.

Growing up, I wished for a name that was easy to spell and pronounce because I believed it would make the social world easier to live in. Fatimah is a splendid name; it means to possess the characteristics of precision and compliance. However, I wanted a name that stood out less in order to fit in more. In an attempt to blend in, I even tried to wear the same style of clothing that everyone else was wearing. My logic? If I did not have a name that was easy to pronounce, the least I could do is adopt a sense of style that was like the rest. However, standing in the way of appearing “normal” was a piece of cloth that wrapped around my head: my hijab.

Differentiating myself was not an easy task. I tried to participate in extracurricular activities so that I could be known for a club affiliation rather than my unique name, sense of style, or hijab. None of my extracurriculars from school set me apart until I learned to connect my skills in programming to social service. I joined GlamourGals and learned about creating a positive change. By helping the seniors in my community, I was recognized for my coding skills, rather than my physical appearance or cultural identity. Conversations with wonderful women in the senior citizen centers empowered me to create an identity, one inspired by community-based organizations.

I have gone above and beyond by serving the seniors in my community through GlamourGals. I am a part of an organization that creates positive change. Throughout the pandemic, the GlamourGals chapter at Thomas Edison CTE High School was able to continue functioning. Although most clubs seemed to come to a complete stop, I helped in organizing virtual meetings. Through these meetings and activities, I instilled a sense of normal during this unusual time. This allowed students to feel grounded, as well as letting the seniors within our community feel grounded. The seniors struggled during the pandemic; medical-related complications made it difficult to connect with them. However, I was able to still deliver the cards while following safety protocols. I ensured that everyone in our community felt a sense of love during a time when it was hard to come together.

GlamourGals brings seniors and adolescents together. Through community engagement and activities that create long-lasting relationships, GlamourGals is an endearing program that allows students to contribute to a positive change. Many times, young students feel powerless to create a meaningful impact. However, GlamourGals provides an opportunity. The students in our community are able to participate in activities that are meaningful and unique. GlamourGals is important to my community because it has strengthened relationships that would be difficult to create otherwise.

After years of wanting to camouflage into the crowd, I finally found a sense of belonging and admiration for my differences and can proudly declare that my name is Fatimah. I ventured through fields helping my community with a name that pushed me forward with determination and pride. GlamourGals made me realize that I was more than my name; I was also an asset to my community.


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