How GG Introduced Me To New Career Paths

Demery I., Haddonfield Memorial High School volunteer, describes how volunteering at GlamourGals provided insight into a new career path.

I always felt an overwhelming amount of joy from volunteering. It has brought so many special memories, and I will truly miss this group when I leave high school. As for career paths, GlamourGals has opened up a new field I never thought about before. I always knew I wanted to work with people and make a difference. I started to look into caregiver positions and even bought a book on it. I applied to college as a business major in hopes to learn more about the operations of running a business. I think it can really help me in the future to have business knowledge if I decide to work in a caregiving facility for seniors, or even open my own place. Furthermore, even the small aspects of volunteering have given me career ideas like planning and decorating the doors of all the residents. I definitely do not want to give up volunteering and will make it a goal to look for places and organizations that need help. Many of my friends and family tell me how I have a natural nurturing instinct and can see myself making a difference in others' lives.


Finding the Glamour In Me


What Volunteering Has Taught Me About Myself