A Bridge Between Generations

Aisha H, a volunteer from Susan E. Wagner High School, describes how age has very little to do with connecting with someone.


When I first started volunteering with GlamourGals, I had no idea that it would play such a significant role in who I am as a person. I was always a leader in my community but GlamourGals taught me that age is seriously just a number. I genuinely enjoy spending time at the nursing homes. In fact, sometimes I prefer volunteering over hanging out with my friends who are the same age as me. The ladies that I have encountered over the last four years have given me the insight necessary to fully help others with solidarity and compassion. To put it differently, intellect and preparation will get you far in life but doing something from the heart will create a lasting impact.

GlamourGals has allowed me to connect with women who are much older than me but possess the same enthusiasm and passion that I do. At my last makeover, I met Elizabeth. As Mark Twain once said, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Despite the fact that Elizabeth was 99 years old at the time, the age gap of 82 years (approximately three generations) didn’t affect the quality of our conversation. Elizabeth’s vivacious personality reminded me to always be happy. Elizabeth was delighted to show me her beautiful artwork, and tell me about her favorite songs. Before the makeover ended, the activities coordinator at the nursing home said “Elizabeth will be 100 in a few days.” Everyone in my chapter was shocked to hear this. We aspire to be as content as Elizabeth when we’re older. We planned a surprise birthday party for Elizabeth subsequently.

I also met another lady who was happy to have a conversation with me in Hindi. Although my Hindi isn’t perfect, I was able to communicate with her with my broken sentences and I apologized for not being able to speak properly but she said that even if it wasn’t perfect, it made her happy to see that I had a connection with my roots. I asked her if she wanted to get her nails done and she said “If I were your age, I would say yes, but I have no one to show them to.” This broke my heart into a million pieces. Isolation is a topic that is often overlooked but needs to be addressed in society. I tried to dispel her mindset and showed her the variety of nail polish colors that we had. After persuading her for a few minutes, she finally agreed and picked a bright pink color. The makeover evidently changed her mood. She told me that she felt “younger” and I told her that I was pleased to meet her.

GlamourGals deserves much more acknowledgement than it already has. My grandparents live in India and I barely see them. I wish I was able to spend time with them throughout my childhood and create unforgettable memories with them. I have been to India in the past but it’s not the same as having my grandparents here with me in New York. I wish they could see me grow older, and fulfill my dreams of pursuing a career in the medical field. But GlamourGals serves as a bridge between generations. Although I can’t see my grandparents all the time, I know that I am making someone else’s grandparents happy. I’m sure these grandparents miss their families as well. GlamourGals builds families even if it can’t connect them.


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