Ask Sam: Fundraising

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Hello GlamourGals, Sam here again with another question from a volunteer! This one comes from Katie in Ohio,

“Dear Sam, my chapter’s registration fee is due soon and I have no idea how I’m going to pay it. Help?”

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First thing’s first: Always check with your advisor to see if your school has a club budget, often funded through the PTA. If your school has some funds set aside specifically for clubs, work with your advisor to find out what you need to do to submit your GlamourGals chapter for budget approval.

If your chapter runs through another club or isn’t an official club within your school, you’re going to need to find another way to raise the registration fee.

The $150 registration fee allows all of the registered volunteers in your chapter to receive GG t-shirts, which are perfect to wear to all of your makeovers!

The most important thing when hosting your fundraiser is to always ask for permission.

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You and your GG team will need to make sure your plans to fundraise are approved by your school to avoid possible conflict. Talk to your advisor about your plans to fundraise and maybe they’ll have a few ideas of their own.

Here are a few fundraising options done by GlamourGals all over the country!

Try hosting GG’s Signature Hot Pink Nail-a-Thon!

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Offer manicures to your school’s students and faculty for $1-$5 during lunch, free periods, and/or after school hours. When your chapter posts the Hot Pink Nail-a-Thon as an event and submits a supplies request, GG National will provide the nail polish to make sure your Nail-a-Thon is a success!

There’s also the classic bake sale.

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Sell sweets per piece on behalf of your chapter and earning your registration fee will be a piece of cake!

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If not sweets, try selling flowers. Buy bulk flowers at a discounted price and sell them to students around your school. You can also try having a special delivery sale where your chapter can deliver the flowers to students of the buyer’s choosing!

You can also make cards to pair with the flowers—here are a few ideas!

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I made these on, which is a design website with lots of free options to make designing your cards fun and easy!

If your school has a dance or special event coming up, you can also fundraise by holding a raffle for prizes like beauty items, baked goods, electronics, or just about anything you think is worth a bid.

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Reach out to local shops for donated items to use as prizes for the raffle and make sure to wish everyone who buys a raffle ticket good luck!

When raising money for any cause, be creative. Always ask yourself: What makes this worth funding?

Make sure when hosting any fundraising events, you speak from the heart about why it’s important to receive donations. You’re a part of the GG mission and you’re doing your part for the seniors in your community.

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Good luck to all my GlamourGals hosting their fundraisers! You can do it!

If you’re having any trouble raising the registration fee, let us at GG National know by emailing We’re here to work with you and make sure your chapter is at its best!

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All GlamourGals can earn a service hour by answering this journal prompt:

What do you think is a good idea for a fundraiser?

GG National looks forward to your answers!  

You can email if you have any questions you would like GG National to answer. We’re here to help!

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What I am most excited for as a GlamourGals volunteer!


First In-Person Meeting