Why I Joined…

Nell W. from Parkway South High School, one of our newest volunteers, shares a personal story as to why she joined GlamourGals.


"My grandfather was in a nursing home for 4 years and COVID really impacted him and the nursing home he was in. Because we couldn't see him, he got really depressed and his health really declined during those first few months of COVID. Unfortunately, he passed in May 2020 and it completely broke our family because we never got to give him a proper service safely or see him before he passed. I was always interested in joining this group during my freshman year of high school and when I saw how much my grandfather and other elderly people need to have some hope and social interaction during this hard time, I immediately joined GlamourGals in hopes of helping them have a smile or just feel like they have someone there for them when family can't physically be. I hope that by doing this, I can also reach out to the staff in these homes. They work incredibly hard and I know my grandfather really made a connection with them. Hopefully, this club can give me a way to also reach out to them and make them feel supported too.”


GlamourGals on The Doctors


Start of Senior Year