Start of Senior Year

Samantha K., Half Hollow Hills H S W. Chapter President, writes about her last year in High School as a GlamourGals leader.

I just started my senior year and had my last first meeting of the year. I have been president of my club chapter since sophomore year, and I have been a volunteer for GlamourGals since my freshman year. Over that time, I have grown and learned so much. It's so bittersweet starting off my last year because I am excited to start a new chapter of my life, but it's so sad to see my usual activities go. Being GlamourGals President of my chapter has been such a huge priority of mine the past few years and so much time has gone into this school club. Not only had we grown mentally and emotionally as a chapter, but we also physically grew in numbers. My freshman year we had about 7 volunteers each meeting, meanwhile, at our introduction meeting last week, we had almost 40 volunteers attend. I have loved seeing our club grow and put so many smiles on the seniors' faces. It's so sad that I now have to train new members to take over my position next year, but I look forward to seeing them grow the club even more. I look forward to an amazing GlamourGals senior year and I hope to inspire even more volunteers to join.


Why I Joined…


Reflecting on my GG Experience (Part 2)