Be The Change

Angelina A. of Newfield High School recognizes the importance of participating in volunteer work within the community.

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GlamourGals is integral to my community as it is one of the only opportunities for high school students to give back to the seniors in Suffolk County, New York. Typically, in high school, there is a greater emphasis on sports and musical theater, rather than community service-based clubs. I truly believe that service-based clubs - like ones that help the environment, participate in soup kitchens, and focus on social reform - serve as the backbone for real change. 

GlamourGals, for example, empowers young women, helps them with their personal development, and creates a sense of positivity that trickles down to volunteers’ family, friends, and the overall community. Through GlamourGals, volunteers, like myself, try to put smiles on seniors’ faces. Volunteers show seniors that they are greatly valued and appreciated, contributing to a better environment in the process. Thus, when young women devote their time to giving manicures and makeovers, they uplift the seniors and make efforts to reduce senior loneliness. 

In addition to pampering seniors, we do some brain-stimulating activities in order to ensure that the seniors are fully engaged and having fun. The seniors enjoy doing arts and crafts. In the past, they have made decorations to spice up their room, and they have made door hangers to greet guests. It is amazing what they can do with a bottle of glue, some glitter, and makers! 

The seniors expressed that these crafts transformed their living space, making it more comforting and warm. Their positive feedback encourages me to keep coming back. Overwhelmed with happiness, I know that I am making a difference in the lives of these seniors and in my community with the help of GlamourGals.


Making a Difference from the Comfort of My Home


A Nail-Biting Manicure