Making a Difference from the Comfort of My Home

Alysha Jhaveri, a Summer Intern, reflects on her time spent working and interning at GlamourGals.

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This summer, I have the privilege of being one of the five GlamourGals interns. During the early stages of the internship, I learned that I would be working remotely as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. At first, I was apprehensive not knowing how everything would function on a daily basis. The thought of being stuck at my desk all summer initially saddened me.

Instead of being completely overwhelmed by this discouraging situation, I decided to meet the challenge and welcome this opportunity with open arms. Although I would not be able to visit senior homes and have that typical GlamourGals experience of giving manicures and makeovers, I was excited to be a part of a team that would soon develop new programming in an effort to reduce senior isolation. 

All of the interns, participating in a pen pal program, began writing letters to seniors at the Llanfair Care & Rehabilitation Center in New Jersey. After receiving my first letter from Eva, I knew that a friendship was in the making. Cherishing Eva’s way with words, I gained a new appreciation for the simple pleasures of life. Eva always talked about how she loved to feed the birds, crochet, and visit her friends in neighboring rooms.

In addition to the wonderful letters Eva and I exchanged, all of the interns decided to start a weekly zoom call with the seniors at the Llanfair home. It was surreal being able to put a face to the name. With the zoom calls, I was able to see how Eva was so passionate and had a competitive spirit, especially when playing hangman and trivia. 

Even though I was working from home, a couple states away from Eva, we were able to form a beautiful friendship with a little bit of creativity. I am so grateful to have been given the chance to meet Eva virtually and through our letters.

While helping to create new and effective programming, I was able to see firsthand how young women can put a smile on someone’s face and make a difference despite how challenging the world may seem. 


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