My Experience with the Mental Health Summit

Kira Pipkins, a Bloomfield High School volunteer, writes about her experience with the GG Mental Health Summit.

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When I received the email about the Mental Health Summit, it caught my attention because I had recently wanted to learn more about the topic and dive deeper into my own.

I have never been to a summit like this before where so many people were talking about mental health. It also helped to hear so many of the speakers share their own stories. The only people who have talked to me about my mental health are my direct family and one of my wrestling coaches. Going to the summit was one of the best decisions I made this summer because I learned so much and heard many insightful tips.

One tip that stuck out to me was to take time out of your day to be without electronics and alone with your thoughts. There are many times in a day where I'm not on my phone but am still occupied with something else, rather than just relaxing. Taking the time to do this has allowed me to be more in touch with my mind and body.

I really enjoyed all of the Zoom calls and will definitely be attending again in the future.


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