Happy Grandparent’s Day!
One Letter… One Moment… One Smile… can mean the world. Join us this Grandparent’s Day to bring awareness to senior isolation by participating in our new programming.
One letter can mean the world.
Write a letter to a senior home through our #MyDearFriend campaign!
Step 1: Write a letter.
Step #2: Take a photo.
Step #3 Upload here.
Step #4 We will deliver your mail safely.
Step #5: Tell your loved ones so they can start writing cards too!
One moment can mean the world.
Purchase a coloring book for yourself and one will go to a senior in a senior home. The pages in these books are made from actual GG moments!
One smile can mean the world.
We’ve started a new initiative to have Intergenerational Hangouts via Zoom with senior homes. With interactive activities such as hangman and trivia, both the volunteers and seniors get to have fruitful conversations on these calls.