#WCW and Volunteer Advice

Ellis L., a Benjamin N. Cardozo High School volunteer, writes about her #WCW and advice to new volunteers.

#WCW --- An inspiring woman that I have seen and heard about on the news is Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris, currently the vice president elect to Joe Biden, has made history in being the first woman in the White House and at best, the first Black and Asian woman. By doing this, she is emphasizing to young girls that anything is possible.

ADVICE --- A piece of advice I would give to a new volunteer just starting GlamourGals is "try". A lot of people are too afraid of something new. Trying new things allows us to expand our minds and learn both about new things, and about ourselves. I joined GlamourGals knowing it would be similar to Girl Scouts. But, I took a chance at checking it out anyway because it seemed different. And I was right. GlamourGals is fun, interactive, and educating.


Christmas Cards!


Galentine’s Day Meeting!