My GlamourGals Experience So Far

Maha S., a McMaster University volunteer, reflects on her first in-person makeover, what her GlamourGals experience has been like so far, and the importance of our organization’s work in making an impact especially during this past year.

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After a year of quarantine and virtual GlamourGals events, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my first (and last, unfortunately!) in-person makeover experience. It was a gloomy and snowy afternoon in February 2020. The team met up at a bus stop at the university and we made our way to Caroline Place Retirement Residence, which was about a 20-minute bus ride. I was super excited about this makeover, as I had never been to one before. However, I was also nervous because I am generally more introverted and not the best at starting conversations with strangers. As we got to the location, the employees were super kind and took us to the lounge where the seniors would be meeting us. We got settled, put on our GG tee-shirts, and prepared our makeover supplies. I sat down with a woman named Lisa, and we immediately started talking. She told me stories about her childhood in Italy, her family, and her experience at this residence. She was extremely kind and loving. The experience was very heartwarming and I was super excited to return and meet her again. I realized that the makeovers were much less about the actual makeup and more about connecting with seniors. As the restrictions slowly loosen up and life gets back to normal, I am hoping that we continue to have more in-person makeovers and am excited for the new friends I can make at the senior homes!

My experience with GlamourGals has been truly memorable! When I first heard about the club in my second year I was instantly in love with the concept and knew I had to join. Senior isolation is an unfortunate reality in our communities. Aging comes with many physical, mental and emotional changes, and our elders deserve to be supported and loved during this vulnerable time. Through the initiatives GlamourGals carries out, we are able to bridge some of the intergenerational gaps in our communities and develop strong and meaningful relationships between seniors and youth through which they can learn and grow from one another. The makeovers are a great way to provide company and support to seniors. With the pandemic this year, senior isolation was exacerbated and our makeovers were impossible to continue. Nonetheless, our team came up with creative, socially-distanced ways to continue to support seniors and give them hope. The impact we have is extremely rewarding and heartwarming, which is what I love most about this club. I’m super grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of GlamourGals and am excited to continue my journey!


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