Reflections on GlamourGals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Katelyn C., a McMaster University volunteer, shares how writing #MyDearFriend notes helped to make a difference in the lives of isolated seniors during the pandemic and why this experience was so meaningful for her.

Katelyn McMaster GlamourGals.jpeg

This past year has been difficult for everyone, and I imagine especially so for the women living in senior homes. Not only could they not see their families and friends, but they also weren't able to access many services that help them feel their best. I can only imagine how isolating the whole pandemic has been for them. I know I really missed interacting with the wonderful women from our senior home, but luckily our chapter was able to adapt to the situation. While we weren't able to hold video calls with them, we wrote letters and made crafts to send to them. Although many of my letters went unanswered, I did receive a letter from one woman who was newer to the senior home. Receiving that letter was honestly the best part of my week. Knowing that someone actually read what I had written and wanted to learn more about me felt really nice. I hope that as restrictions ease up I am actually able to visit her. The whole process of writing these letters brightened my day as well. It was nice to just take some time to slow down and write something meaningful along with other young women from my university. While being part of GlamourGals during the pandemic wasn't quite what I had envisioned when first joining, it was nonetheless still a meaningful experience for me.


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