First GG Experience

Olivia C., a Rutgers University volunteer, shares how her first time visiting a senior home opened her eyes to the opportunities the seniors have awarded young women like herself.

On my first trip to a local New Brunswick nursing home with Glamour Gals, I truly realized what this organization does for people.

Upon arriving, we were greeted so kindly by the residents and workers. We gathered our supplies and sat in an open room. I was at the nail painting station and was paired with a woman named, Evelyn. She wanted a neutral, light color and I helped her pick a pinkish/beige polish.

While filing and painting her nails, we chatted about various things. She told me about her children and grandchildren and their major accomplishments. She also talked about her accomplishments as a working mother. This led to our discussion about the advancement of women's opportunities from when she worked to the present.

This topic of discussion made me feel inspired. I am a young woman who has many opportunities due to people like Evelyn who paved tracks for other women to succeed.

When I was done painting Evelyn's nails, she told me that her hands hadn't looked that good in years. From her smile and kind attitude, I could tell that my time truly brightened her day, which in turn brightened mine.


Flower Crown Making


Reflecting on My GG Experience