Passing of the Beloved Ellie

Sara B., a Bloomfield High School volunteer, shares a beautiful tribute for our beloved Ellie who passed away last month. Volunteers form meaningful relationships with the seniors during their visits, so it is never easy to receive heartbreaking news like this. Ellie spread love and kindness through her infectious smile and words of advice. She will be truly missed.

It has been brought to my attention that one of the citizens from my senior home named Ellie, has passed. The biggest thing that frustrated me was not being able to see her for the last two years. As I sympathize with her family and the home, I would like to share some advice she shared with me from the last visit in 2019. This was our December visit, and as I prepared to hand out gingerbread cookies our club has received, Ellie had pointed right at me and asked if I could sit with her. Without hesitation, I pulled up a chair beside her. This visit was extremely special because it was her birthday, and she informed us all that she was turning 30(she loved making silly jokes). Therefore, we sang happy birthday to begin the most memorable visit of all. As we began decorating the cookie, she shared beautiful stories of her life. She would say how her and her husband were both incredibly hard workers, and as much as they would be out providing for one another, they would always make it back in time for supper. They would cook food, and dance in their kitchen as the sun began to go down. They sounded like the true idea of love and living happily ever after. "Finding a stable job is super important, but nothing is more important than family support and especially, love." I took these words to heart, and everyday I appreciate more things around me, and await my future plans. This was one of the many words of wisdom she shared, but this one specifically moved me. Although I will miss her funny little jokes, along with her sweet compliments, I know she is in a better place.

Thank you Ellie for being such a kind hearted woman, heaven has received the purest soul.
— Sara Bojorque

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