My Dear Friend Card Creating
Ryan P., a Commack High School volunteer, let her creativity flow at a #MyDearFriend card writing event. Allow her beautiful holiday themed card to serve as inspiration for your cards!
On Friday, November 19th, 2021 we had a GlamourGals meeting to create wonderful My Dear Friend cards addressed to senior homes. I have made these cards in the past on zoom meetings but I had a fantastic time making them in person along with my friends. I was able to create visually appealing cards, some holiday themed, with kind messages inside. For example, as one of the covers of a card, I illustrated a reindeer and wrote "My DEER friend".
For another card, I drew two Christmas ornaments and wrote "I like hanging with you". I had tons of enjoyment coming up with cute drawings and funny puns for these cards. I'm excited to send them out to make a senior's day better! This whole experience makes me feel happy knowing that I am doing a positive deed and also brightening up somebody's day.
“I learned that even the tiniest gesture can make a person smile.”