Valentine Cards

Iniya S., a Parkway South High volunteer, shares her tips on writing multiple MDF kind notes!


I had some free time today and thought it would be a good idea to work on some cards. I really liked the holiday cards we did during Christmas time and Halloween, so I made Valentine's cards! I think valentine's cards are perfect for this service project because they really bring love and positive energy into a room. At first, I was confused about how to design the cards but after looking through the GG National Instagram, I got a lot of creative ideas. I will definitely continue making more cards. I also wanted to write about the new technique I adapted for making cards. Instead of doing one card at a time, I would fold 10 papers in half in the card format. And then go in with some markers and put the same design on each one. For example, I would color a string of hearts on each card. Then I would go through and write notes on the inside for all of the cards. So instead of doing one card, I would complete one design/part on all the cards.


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