The New Normal!

Lizmarie C., the McMaster University chapter co-president, shares her first semester leading her chapter during a pandemic.

On December 14th, 2020, my first semester of living under this new normal came to an end. It was on that day that I finished my final exam, sat in my room, and reflected on the virtual semester that I had just completed. Without a doubt, online school was not even close to the same experience that in-person lectures provide students like me. However, the saddest and biggest shift that I had to adjust to this year was shifting GlamourGals online and not being able to fully interact with our friends at Carolines Place. As president of the McMaster Chapter, I had to find new ways to incorporate GG into this new normal. It was not easy because the interactions that we get with seniors through in-person makeovers are so special to me and to our volunteers that it became hard to replicate virtually. This semester required severe adjustment but alongside my co-president, I think that we managed to maintain both volunteer and senior engagement. The shift to this new normal was not at all easy but our team at McMaster and the excitement and engagement they brought to the table made this new experience more enjoyable! Overall, I never thought I'd be saying this but after sitting down and planning all the events for next semester I am excited to see what virtual GG brings us next semester!

Lizmarie Correia New Normal.JPG

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