The “Why”

Sara Z., a Sanford H. Calhoun High School volunteer, writes about her why she continues to volunteer with GlamourGals.


It is so amazing to know that by simply writing some cards, it can bring a smile to the face of someone who needs it most. That's what makes it all worth it. The weekly meetings and late nights making cards are rewarding beyond measure. You can't put a price on making someone's day- it's the best feeling and this organization makes that feeling a reality. The idea of being able to make them feel as if they're not alone in this crazy world is exactly what keeps my chapter and me going. I've been a part of this organization for 3 years now- since my freshman year- and out of all my time in GlamourGals, this is when the seniors have needed us most. So I guess you can say that's my "why"- doing everything to comfort them in this dark time- even if all we're doing is making cards. Because what we're really doing is finding a new way to build connections and provide support. That may sound like a tough feat- but the hard work is truly worth it. I'm so beyond grateful to part of this organization, it gave me a new perspective and many opportunities to make an impact on my community.


Taking GlamourGals into 2021


GlamourGals featured in Country Woman’s Good Neighbors, “Nail Polish and Nurture”