Taking GlamourGals into 2021

Stacey C., the McMaster University President, is looking forward to the new year with her chapter. Read what she has in store!

Stacey C

2020 is almost done, and I'm sure most people agree that they are ready to put this year behind them, and hopefully move towards a pandemic free life. As a president of a GlamourGals chapter, I know that I myself am ready to put the difficulties of 2020 behind me and take my chapter into the new year renewed and ready to spread more cheer than ever! It has truly been a hard few months running a virtual chapter and not getting the chance to see the seniors at our local home in person. We have all made the most of it but virtual zoom meetings are definitely not the same thing! And without our core mission of makeovers, manicures and companionship visits it has been hard to keep member engagement high. We have had to work harder than ever to keep true to the spirit of GlamourGals but our chapter truly looks forward to continuing this in the new year. And as for a sneak peek into our GlamourGals McMaster's 2021...we have a magazine in the works, a potential connection with a new senior home, a guest speaker event, a bingo night and much more! Here's to 2021!


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