Creating Valentines

Sarayu K., a Parkway South High volunteer, writes her valentines for the seniors and shares a Valentine’s Day memory.

Valentine's day is a special holiday for everyone if it is to spend it with your special someone or family and friends. I really wish we could paint their nails valentines themed! It was fun thinking of Valentines and what background to make them. I remember in elementary school when we used to make valentines for all of our peers and now making them for the seniors was a lot of fun. It is fun that we get to do this as card-making. The seniors will be happy they get to hear from us in a sort of way. It is good that we can communicate with them this way as they don't get to see anyone and this can be something they look forward to.

2.10.21 Sarayu Kalwa Parkway South High.jpeg

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Valentine’s Day Cards