Passing on the Metaphorical Tote

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Samantha B., a Connecticut College chapter leader and previous GG intern, writes about passing down the club to a new Chapter President as she graduates this year.

A few weeks ago, our chapter elected new leadership for this coming academic year, as well as hosted our last meeting (as a graduating senior, this was my last GlamourGals meeting ever!). I walked our incoming President and Treasurer through the processes of hosting meetings, making purchase requests, and everything else on the administrative side of being a GlamourGals chapter leader. Thinking about the year ahead made me feel very nostalgic about visiting Beechwood and giving makeovers. Although I am so glad that our chapter persevered through the pandemic, I am still sad that I was not able to go on any makeover visits during my last year of GlamourGals.

I am very sad to leave GlamourGals -- co-founding our school's chapter has been my passion project and one of my greatest accomplishments in college. However, my goal with GlamourGals has always been to create something bigger than myself and leave a lasting impact on the community. While I have poured so much of my passion into this club, I hope it can thrive without me. I hope that GlamourGals at Connecticut College can maintain not only its sense of camaraderie among members, but can continue to make intergenerational connections with the residents at Beechwood as well.


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