The End

Sajini K., a senior at the Susan E. Wagner High School volunteer, reflects on her time at GG and how it has helped her grow into the woman she is today.


With the end of the school year approaching, I have taken the time to look back at GlamourGals and understand the significance it has played in my life. I entered my freshman year as a shy, introverted, and insecure little girl, and will soon be leaving my senior year as a proud and more confident woman. Yet this drastic change wasn't one made in a day but rather formed through the months that have passed since I entered Susan E. Wagner High School. I remember walking into my first meeting without a clue on how to paint nails. I didn't want to disappoint the senior citizens, but I also didn't want to disappoint my chapter's President, who trusted me when accepting me as a member. However, as I made it through the day, I began to realize the importance of always trying my best. Since that meeting, the numerous encounters I have had with the seniors in the residential homes have allowed me to find value in the relationships formed with strangers. I hope to continue my GlamourGals journey as I enter my new college, and I hope to graduate and revisit the organization that has taught me so much.


From a Beginner to a Leader


GlamourGals - Last Year