What It's Like to be Cleveland Chapter's PR Officer
Ellie M., a Cleveland High School volunteer, shares her main responsibilities as her chapter’s PR Officer and what she loves most about her leadership role!
I have served as the GlamourGals Cleveland chapter's PR officer this past term and it has absolutely been a blast. From getting to share content to connecting with other GG chapters through social media, I love the connections I'm able to make with local members and those across the country. I am the owner of our GG chapter GroupMe and I love sharing messages with all our members about new events and answering their questions when needed. I also run our Instagram and social media presence and have LOVED creating the infographics for each event. PR is all about engagement and connections; I've certainly learned those skills this term and more and will take these lessons with me for the future.
Here is one of the many infographics Ellie has made for her chapter!