3 Perspectives, 1 GG Senior Home Visit

Three Parkway South High School volunteers recount their GlamourGals Senior Home Visit, speaking to how their interactions with the residents made them feel.

Today was my first ever GlamourGals Senior Home Visit, as well as my first time truly interacting with ladies in retirement homes. It was super fun to talk with all the women and hear a bit about their families, passions, and life when they were younger. It was interesting to see both sides of living in a retirement home: the joy and fun but also the loneliness. When we walked in, you could truly see the excitement they got from just having someone new to talk to and to have something fun to do. While I was chatting with one of the women, I really took away that you can never assume how someone’s feeling or know what’s going on in their lives, which is something I will remember and apply to my life from now on.
— Juliette H.
I was actually really nervous before I went. I didn’t know what to expect or if something would go wrong. But, I actually ended up enjoying it so much! It was a new experience, talking with the seniors, asking for advice as a sixteen year old, painting their nails, and speaking about life in general. I also learned to have more patience on this trip...[The seniors] are so nice – they have patience, and they understand us.
— Noor A.
Today was an absolutely fun experience for me. Meeting new people and getting to socialize with the [seniors] made the event a lot of fun! I had the pleasure of meeting a resident named Nancy, who was sweet, kind, and an amazing companion. I am so excited for the next event coming in November!
— Chloe D.

Feeling Presidential


Open Minds, Open Hearts: A GG Senior Home Visit