Feeling Presidential

Juliet H. from Rutgers University describes her fulfilling GlamourGals journey and her role as President of the New Brunswick chapter.

Being the President of GG at Rutgers University has already been so rewarding. Coming into school last year, I struggled to find something that gave me a sense of belonging. I not only wanted to lead something that would give me purpose but to give others that opportunity as well. After our very first meeting, one of our E-Board members came up to me and said, "I overheard someone say they love it here; that you are welcoming, fun, and make it feel like a safe space." It really touched me so much because I feel that's what being a part of GlamourGals is all about. We aim to make people feel loved, regardless of their age, gender, or anything else that makes them feel less than. As I continue in this role throughout my time at Rutgers I will keep doing my best to expand and carry out that mission.


Why My Dear Friend


3 Perspectives, 1 GG Senior Home Visit