What Volunteering Has Taught Me About Myself

Anaya H., Origins High School President, shares how volunteering with GlamourGals helped her get in touch with her creative side and learn valuable leadership lessons.

I have been a part of GlamourGals for two years. During Covid, I was only able to speak to the women in the senior homes online. This made it hard for us to be very interactive but we found ways to make it interesting. Over Zoom, we met with three women and we entertained them by watching movies, playing games as well as other activities. They told us some of their stories and it made me feel good that we were able to engage with them since they explained they missed their families. It felt rewarding to give them a sense of happiness. Once the world opened up we were finally able to go visit the residents. Five girls and I were able to find ways to keep things interesting. We were able to paint nails and talk to the women face to face.

Our group met weekly. Every Friday we meet to brainstorm ideas of what needs to be done for our visits. Collectively, we thought of various ways to uplift the residents. Volunteering has provided us with the opportunity to grow and the creation of new friendships. Forming friendships with the residents can be a most rewarding experience. Through bond-building I learned social interaction skills. Having interactions with the residents is worthwhile. At first, I thought that it might be difficult because we might not have something in common since we are from completely different generations. Once you actually sit down and engage with them you see they have so many things to share. We care for these residents and I think about how their families are probably really happy to see that we are giving them extra care and being with them since they can’t always do it themselves.

We worked effortlessly and effectively to create activities that would be fun and engaging. We also visited the residents around the holidays where we brought them cards and raffled off gift bags that we all put together. Giving a manicure, providing an escort for an outdoor walk, leading a discussion, or simply having a conversation, can not only put a smile on a resident’s face but also provide much-needed support and encouragement.

This experience has taught me so much of who I am and what I yearn to become. I learned that I’m more creative and social than I think I am. Usually I don’t open up to people too much but I formed bonds with these wonderful people which has allowed me to become more social, communicate and be more interactive. Problem solving and time management is also a big part of what I learned. I had to make sure everyone was out of school on time to go to the senior home and because some of the residents have conditions like dementia and you have to learn and adapt to their needs in order to ensure they are getting the best out of the situation.

As president of my GlamourGals chapter I was appointed to a leadership position where I supported, encouraged, gave direction, and set goals with the members of my chapter. Being a leader means to work with a team of people and listen to the ideas of everyone as a collective. I worked alongside my Vice President and the other members of the chapter. I worked with a team of amazing people to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. That’s the best gift this experience has given me.

GlamourGals is very important to my community because it has provided a way for my peers to be a part of and engage with another community. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. It also strengthens your ties to the community and broadens your support network, exposing you to people with common interests, resources, and fun and fulfilling activities. Together, we were able to be a part of something bigger, not only for ourselves but for the people around us. We learned that we could do something for others and for ourselves.

This process has allowed us to learn valuable skills and provided us with a sense of purpose. We were able to make connections with the women and men at the senior home. There, we found ways to support them and keep them company for a couple of hours a week. I enjoyed the stories we were told and the relationships that were created. I have never experienced something like this before but this is one of the best experiences I have taken part of. I would love to be able to do more things like this.


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