A Glance Into a GlamourGals Internship

Joyce explains her reason for wanting to intern with GlamourGals, and her key takeaways from her summer with us.

When I first came across the GlamourGals website, I became intrigued by the mission and impact of this organization. Growing up as a Girl Scout, I was always heavily involved in volunteering at senior centers. For my Bronze Award project, I created a garden for the senior residents to enjoy at my local nursing home. After graduating high school and leaving my Girl Scout troop, my community involvement drastically decreased until I found GlamourGals. This was the main reason I first wanted to be an intern at GlamourGals, however I didn’t anticipate the amount of professional development I would receive from the experience.

Through interning at GlamourGals, I witnessed firsthand the operations behind a non-profit organization. This includes seeing how effective meetings are conducted, how outreach is performed, how events are organized, how inventory is managed, etc. I was also able to take a look into the responsibilities of the various people that make up the GG National team. For instance, I learned about the many different applications used by the communications assistant to plan out media campaigns. In addition, I was able to sit in on many meetings with the GG founder; Rachel, and the businesspeople she works with. Just by observing meetings held between professionals, I learned valuable skills in communication, public speaking, and professionalism. 

Furthermore, one valuable part of interning at GlamourGals is getting to engage in one-on-one mentor meetings. I’ve been able to talk to professionals who work in marketing, communications, HR, consulting, law, fashion, etc. I collected advice on my career goals, college life, stress management, and more. Some of the most valuable career building lessons taught me how to write a cover letter, become a better interviewer, and strengthen my resume.

Lastly, through my GG internship I was able to work on my personal capstone project which involved strategizing the 2022 Holiday My Dear Friend campaign. This project combined many of my interests, including strategy, social media, advertising, and recruitment. It also strengthened my presentation making and public speaking skills. Overall, I am most thankful for the professional development that my GG internship gave me, and not to mention the amazing team I worked alongside.


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