Building Intergenerational Bonds

Ava L., President of the Tottenville High School Chapter, shares about building intergenerational bonds at her chapter’s first makeover.

Two weeks ago we had our first ever makeover! It was super successful and I'm so glad it went well. I met one senior in particular who had told me she couldn't get her nails done, and she was really upset that she couldn't give us practice. I told her it was okay and that I understood. After a few seconds, I noticed her still standing there, smiling, and watching so I offered to help her go into the game area to play games with some girls. While I was walking her, she shared with me that she suffered from breast cancer at the age of 16 and had to undergo chemotherapy. She told me they made a television program out of her and I was immediately touched. I had told her she was very strong and if she took anything from me that day, I wish she would know that. I immediately broke into tears after telling her this and she offered to hug me, and I accepted it. After she found the girls who were playing cards, all I could see was a ton of girls having fun, regardless of age. I heard and saw laughter, competitive yelling, and smiling the entire session. After we ended our session, that same senior told us we were all her grandchildren and that she was very upset that we were leaving. She offered to walk us out, and made sure to say goodbye to every single one of us. This experience has already changed me so much, and I cannot wait to see where it takes us.


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