Jill Centella

Jill Centella introduces former United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, as the keynote speaker for the GlamourGals Leadership Training Institute 2021.

Jill Centella with GlamourGals founder, Rachel Doyle, at the Illuminate Celebration 2023.

Jill is the Managing Director and Global Head of Litigation for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.  She graduated, summa cum laude, from the University of Illinois College of Law.

Jill was the recipient of the GlamourGals Spotlight Award for her expansive work in her field and in her service. She became involved in the #MyDearFriend note-writing campaign and introduced it to her colleagues, which led to almost 600 J.P. Morgan Chase employees writing over 3,900 Valentine’s Day notes to seniors in 2021. Thanks to her, J.P. Morgan Chase employees across the US have continued to write #MyDearFriend notes throughout the year.

Ending elder isolation is also an important issue for Jill, who shares: “The deep connections I had with my grandmother and that my daughter had with my mother are the memories we both cherish the most in our lives.  These generations of women have so much to learn from each other and an abundance of love and support to share.  I’m thrilled to support an organization that facilitates and values these meaningful connections.”


Tennille Kopiasz


Rachel Boyens, Director