Reflecting on my GG Experience (Part 2)

Hailey writes about how GlamourGals has helped her find her passion and career path.

Read part one here.


Not only has GG helped me find one of my passions but it has helped me in the growth of my leadership abilities. As the Co-President of the Chapter in my school, I have tried my best to take charge, especially during these times of devastation. Throughout the pandemic, I have set up a program for the girls in my chapter to make cards and I went all around my city to pick them up and deliver them to the nursing homes. I have been trying my best to ensure the seniors' happenings, even during this vulnerable time. Being away from the seniors during this time really saddens me. I know they need that comfort and support during the time of this terrible pandemic.

I miss the seniors and their beautiful smile and hearing all of their endless stories over and over again. I miss everything to do with the program and I hope we can be able to continue as soon as possible. The seniors are forever in my prayers and I will always do my best to lead my chapter to do the best they can. Even though I miss visiting them in person tremendously, the fact that we were able to overcome these challenges and still make a connection makes me extremely jovial. I love how we were able to still be in touch. I realize how hard it might be for them to not have the human contact with family or friends that they need, however, knowing that we write notes to them and that someone is reaching out to them to make them happy, makes me happy. I can't thank this organization enough for allowing me to grow as not only a person but as a leader in my community and I hope to impact many others in my future. Being a part of this club has helped me feel so much more outgoing and comfortable with myself and others. This program is amazing and has changed my life. This program has helped me grow so much and I am eternally grateful.

I want to inspire girls that you can overcome obstacles while still helping others. 

GG has really helped me find who I am and the things I want to pursue in the future. I realized while taking part in this organization a passion I have for helping others and the joy I get from the smiles on others faces. I love doing even the smallest things for others, like even going to the senior homes to just have conversations. Seeing how these little things brought me such immense joy, I realized I wanted to be a physical therapist. Ive always known I wanted to work with children, so I know it might be weird that I got pediatric PT out of this experience, however, it's my goal to be able to help others reach their full potential and max happiness despite the odds against them. Many seniors don't get many visitors or aren't always the most positive with their future, but if I'm able to give them even the slightest amount of happiness and hope for their future, my goals have been reached. Which is a similar reason I would like to work with children with disabilities. I aspire to erase the stigma and stereotypes of people who are born or act differently. I want to show them that it's okay to be different but despite the challenges you may face, you can do anything anyone else can. Whether it's learning how to walk or talk, or even getting dressed on their own, I want to show them that from a young age you have the power to make a difference in the world. I want to be that glimmer of hope for people who need the little push to reach their full potential and be the happiest they can be. The spirit in a human, whether its a child or an elder, is extremely precious, and I aspire to make that spirit smile. GG made me realize these passions and has changed my life.


Start of Senior Year


Reflecting on my GG Experience (Part 1)